Germany: petitions to abolish age limit for Bundesliga referees

Words of praise are rare. If the referee is an issue after a game, it is usually because he overlooked something, made the wrong decision, or did not manage the game well overall. On Saturday, when the final whistle sounded in Freiburg after the 1-1 draw against Hoffenheim, things were completely different. Manuel Gräfe, who was on duty as a referee, was not only praised in the highest tones. Those who were asked about him expressed their incomprehension about the fact that Graefe, who is 47 years old, has to end his career in the Bundesliga in the summer due to age. "Herr Gräfe is one of the best referees in Germany, if not the best," said Freiburg's captain Christian Günter on Sky TV. “I would break a lance there and say: Please let him go on a little longer.” Oliver Baumann, the keeper of Hoffenheim, agreed: “He shouldn't stop. He has to go on. "
The Berliner has been refereeing in the Bundesliga since 2004. Since then he has directed 287 games there. But now, after 17 years, he has reached the controversial age limit for referees in the German Bundesliga. He would like to continue. Lutz Michael Fröhlich, sporting director of the elite referees of the German Football Association (DFB), knows that. When asked by Welt, Fröhlich said on Sunday: “Last week we had a conversation with Manuel Gräfe, Guido Winkmann and Markus Schmidt, who are all 47 years old and have therefore reached the age limit. In the conversation we openly explained our point of view to all concerned. We are well aware that other opinions exist on this point of view. Now we all have to focus on the final phase of the 2020/2021 season in order to bring it to a proper end. Then, as we do every year, we will compile the referee lists for the coming year." So far, Gräfe has the option of continuing as a video assistant or in another area of ​​refereeing from the summer. As for the age limit of 47, it is also intended to be used to allow young referees to have more games in the event that established referees quit. Both UEFA and FIFA used to set the age limit of 45 for international games. "As long as he passes the performance tests, I wonder why you should stop the best referee," said Freiburg defender Günter the ZDF. "If the regulations are the way they are, it won't go any further," said Freiburg coach Christian Streich. "This is a pity. But I don't want to build up any pressure." Experts like Oliver Fitsch, from the weekly Die Zeit, do not hesitate to describe Manuel Gräfe as "the best referee in Germany". He has also joined the many voices calling for the elimination of the age limit for referees, which they describe as "bordering on age discrimination." Meanwhile, two petitions to remove the age limit for professional referees have collected thousands of signatures and DFB is expected to react.

Source: Welt