In the First Division, the fixed amount paid monthly to the professional referees is 14,000 euros. The match fees are 4,100 euros as referee and 2,000 euro as VAR. During the first 5 weeks, Spanish professional referees in the First Division lost around 16,000 euros (3 matches as referee and 2 as VAR) or 14,000 euros (2 games as referee and 3 as VAR). These amounts will increase as the days go by, although they will recover if the competition is restarted and it ends-up being played. If the competition does not return until early June, it would be 10 weeks without refereeing. In economic terms, it would be around 35,000 euros (approximately 24,500 for 6 games as referee and 10,000 for 5 VAR appointments) or 32,000 euros for 5 five matches as referee and 6 games as VAR games. Travel allowances should be added to these amounts. In the Second Division, the referees are paid a fixed monthly amount of 7,861 euros that they will continue to receive. In this category, in the absence of competition, they will lose about 1,765 euros (or 900 euros as VAR) per game, in addition to the expenses for meals and general allowance.
Source: iusport