
Ross investigated by FIFA after using AR photo in party leaflet

Scottish Tory leader Douglas Ross faces a ban from football after he included an image of himself as a match official in a party leaflet. World football governing body FIFA has received a complaint that the MP and part-time referee breached neutrality rules by using the image. The complaint, lodged by a member of the Scottish Football Supporters Association, called for an investigation into the political mailshot, which was sent out to Scottish homes last month. 
It could see Ross ­ who has officiated top-flight games including international and Champions League fixtures - hit with a suspension. The complaint said: “I want FIFA to launch an investigation and deal with this as a matter of urgency, given we are now in an election cycle in our country. This leaflet has been distributed by the political party that Mr. Ross leads. It has been sent to households throughout Scotland and it clearly shows him using his image as a FIFA official to try to benefit himself and his organisation with this endorsement. I believe he did not use a picture using his SFA uniform as it might have questioned his right to do so.” 
In 1995, Swiss referee Kurt Rothlisberger was suspended for three months for misusing his position as a FIFA referee to campaign to win a seat in the Swiss parliament. During the campaign trail, Rothlisberger was photographed in his official FIFA referee uniform, which led to the ban. 
Between October 2018 and January 2020, former dairy farmer Ross was paid £30,000 in fees as a match official. Scottish league matches can see fees of £445 a game for referees and European fixtures closer to £2000. Politicians have criticised the Scottish Conservative leader, accusing him of breaking FIFA laws in a desperate attempt to drum up support. Keith Brown, deputy leader of the SNP, said: “Douglas Ross is brazenly attempting to trade on his football connections to try to curry favour with voters. His political leaflets clearly show him in his linesman gear in what FIFA must regard as a flagrant breach of their rules on political neutrality. It’s desperate.” Scottish Labour MSP Neil Findlay said: “Using any logo in this manner without appropriate permission would appear to show an error of judgment.” A Scottish Conservative spokesman said: “Douglas will be happy to clarify matters with FIFA and is not aware of any concerns from the association.” On Monday morning, FIFA confirmed to The National that they were probing the allegation: “We are currently looking into the matter and have no further comment to make at this stage.”

Source: Daily Record