
Professional referee contracts in Spain

At the beginning of September 2020, all the referees and assistant referees of Spanish professional football signed their first contract with the RFEF that regulates their employment relationship for one year. A historic milestone with the start date on 1 September 1 and ending on 30 June. 

Minimum requirements and fees 
In the First Division, referees must have a minimum 9 years of experience as a referee, with at least 1 year as a Second Division referee. In the case of the assistant referees, they must have minimum 5 years of experience, with at least 1 year in the second category. In the Second Division, the required experience is reduced to 7 years, 1 being in Second B and for the assistants it is reduced to 3 years, with 1 year in the third category of Spanish football. For VARs and AVARs, a 9-year experience as a referee is required, with at least 1 year in the First or Second division. This new contract establishes the amounts to be received by the referees, assistant referees, VARs or AVARs. In this case, it is a gross annual remuneration of 114,121 euros divided into 10 payments from which the Social Security contribution is deducted. The match fee for a First Division referee is around 4,300 euros. The amount drops to 1,928 euros in the Second Division. The match fee for VAR is 2,100 euros in the First Division and 964 euros in the Second Division. For AVARs, the fee is 964 euros in the First Division and 464 euros in the Second Division. The contract also implies the transfer of their individual and collective image rights to the RFEF, receiving in exchange the gross amount of 22,842 euros. 

Mandatory self-analysis within 48 hours 
The contract sets out a series of requirements that must be met by all of them in each game and that go through carrying out the physical-tactical preparation of each game (something they were already doing before signing this document), spending the night before the match in the city where it is held (a situation that has now been due to Covid, allowing travel on the same day, as long as the match allows it). In addition, there must be a prior and subsequent meeting with the refereeing team and the ones assigned in the VOR room. The latter must be done by videoconference. The contract also includes the obligation to analyze and study the video of each match within a period not exceeding 48 hours after the conclusion of the match. Within that period, they also have to send a self-analysis report to the CTA with highlights of the match, things to improve and consolidated aspects. 

Physical and technical preparation 
In the 16-page document there are aspects related to the physical, technical and medical requirements, in order to achieve the best physical and technical condition of all of them. All referees and assistant referees must pass the fitness tests called by the CTA in addition to having to carry out a series of tasks from the technical point of view in order to improve the refereeing. It is about video tests, discussion tests, online training modules, laws of the game tests, VAR protocol and federative regulations; training on different protocols against racism, violence, xenophobia etc. In November will take place the second fitness test of this current season, after each referee passed the first one within their territorial federation as a result of Covid. The physical section also includes a very exhaustive work "planning" that everyone must comply with, which goes through a minimum of six training sessions a week where there must be up to four types of training (match, active recovery, high intensity and cardiac), including a minimum of 12 minutes of high intensity training that must be performed in each session. In addition, each day they must fill in a metric on their weight, heart rate at rest, hours of sleep and quality of sleep, perception of fatigue and mood. Data that must be incorporated into a platform that CTA will evaluate weekly. In the medical field, together with the control prior to each season, they must undergo a weight and body mass control every month, and must be within the limits set by the CTA. They must also notify the Committee of any injury, illness, abnormality. Furthermore, the contract obliges the referees to attend any requirement of the Disciplinary Committees or any other federative body, in addition to participating in interviews, mixed zones or any event organized by the RFEF communication area. 

Working days of 1800 hours per year 
Point two of the clauses makes it clear that "the worker who does not participate in one of the mandatory activities, or does not appear without just cause, as well as the abandonment of a test or activity, meeting or seminar without the authorization of CTA, will incur an immediate suspension of any referee appointment". The working days are estimated by the contract at around 1792 hours per year distributed around 24 hours per week derived from trips to the matches, either as a referee, assistant referee or VAR. Another 12 hours are devoted to training, at the rate of three or four a day. Four more are added for the self-analysis tasks with the viewing of the game and the corresponding report. In total, and always with a variable character, about 40 hours a week of work with weekly rest of at least a day and a half. They also have the right to 30 days of vacation either continuously or fractionally, conditional on competitions. 

Other activities allowed during first year 
Among the reasons for terminating the contract is that it occurs by mutual agreement between the parties, due to disciplinary dismissal, death or disability. There is also the option for the worker to request it voluntarily, due to the loss of the professional referee's license resulted from downgrading from the category or for not passing the physical or technical tests during two consecutive phases. This first year allows referees to combine their refereeing duties with other activities, ceasing to receive around 15,000 euros. 

Source: Iusport