
Osorio takes over from Osses as Head of Chilean referees

After the departure of Enrique Osses from the presidency of the Referees Committee, Jorge Osorio took the office on an interim basis and a few days ago he was ratified in the position by the National Professional Football Association.
Osorio, born in 1977, was a recognized national and international referee. In addition, he is an Industrial Engineer, Bachelor of Engineering Sciences, Bachelor of Education and mathematics teacher. Osorio refereed in the professional Chilean soccer championships between 1998 and 2017, having FIFA status since 2006 until his retirement in 2017. "It is a very good feeling to feel the support of the Chilean Football Federation and the Board of Directors to take on this challenge," confessed the former referee after assuming his position in the ANFP. In addition, Osorio, who is also Director of the Football Referee career of the National Football Institute since 2018, spoke about the objectives of his mandate: "The fundamental objective is to reinforce and strengthen what has already being done and works. Will give different tools to the referees to achieve credibility, both to the referees on the field and to those who are in the VAR role". Finally, Osorio highlighted the participation of the woman referees Maria Carvajal, Loreto Toloza, Cindy Nahuelcoy, Leslie Vasquez and Marcia Castillo in the national championships: "We have had a lot of participation from them. We want to continue strengthening and promoting them. Their appointments are going to depend on what they demonstrate day-by-day on the pitch. They have demonstrated the skills they have and we trust them. We hope that in the future more female referees will continue to be integrated into football and that is why we are going to give them all the tools so that they can become stronger and achieve their objectives", he said.

Source: Redgol